El cant gregorià. Un model de música religiosa

Miquel Altisent
El cant gregorià. Un model de música religiosa
Price: 18.72 €
DL00862 Dalmau Editora
"But now, with the introduction of the Catalan Language in the liturgy and the abandonment of the Latin, we can ask ourselves: Is that when considering easily the arrival of the Gregorian chant as a museum piece or a drug for the affords of the reactionary Minorities? I don’t believe it! Gregorian chant represents both from the aesthetic point of view as a religious expression, the culminating point of maturity and exemplary. To want forget it would be a sign of the foolishness and ignorance." Cassià M. Just, pròleg a la primera edició, Publicacions de la Fundació Salvador Vives Casajuana, 1971.