Catalonia by Isaac Albéniz, OBC - Jaime Martín

Isaac Albéniz ( 1860 - 1909 )
Catalonia by Isaac Albéniz, OBC - Jaime Martín
Catalonia by Isaac Albéniz, OBC - Jaime Martín
Price: 12.04 € 6.02 €
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TD00078 Orquestra Sinfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya - dir. Jaime martín
50 Minutes
The two greatest symphonic works by Isaac Albéniz and Catalonia i Escenes simfòniques Catalanes have been forget by the discography. The Catalonia versions available in the market are rare, were published more than 20 years ago and becomes from other countries. We don’t have any notices about any version of Escenes simfòniques that preceded this work. There was edited a suite with the orchestral sections from the recently restored opera Pepita Jiménez. This suite closes the selection of symphonic repertoire included in this CD that aims to approach to the public at the genuine symphonic work ofIsaac Albéniz. The notes accompanying the disc were written by the musicologist JosepDolcet


  1. Anonymous 9th February 2011

    ¡programa y interpretación excelente!

  2. V. Grenadier 7th January 2011

    Superb works and recording. Bravo!


  1. Diverdi 13th January 2011

    Primera grabación mundial.

  2. SCHERZO 30th November 0001


  3. Rainer Klaas, DAS ORCHESTER 30th November 0001

    "Das Sinfonieorchester von Barcelona, zugleich katalanisches Nationalorchester, musiziert unter Jaime Martín mit spürbarem Enthusiasmus, federnder Rhythmik und geschmeidiger Linienführung der Bläser – eine in jeder Hinsicht authentische Interpretation, die von der Tontechnik plastisch abgebildet wird."

  4. Albert Flamarich - AUDIOCLASICA 30th November 0001

    "La OBC y Jaime Martín realizan un excelente trabajo en el que sobresale un efluvio de suntuosidad"

  5. Mercedes Conde-Pons, REVISTA MUSICAL CATALANA 30th November 0001

    "Un enregistrament que calia que existís." Mercedes Conde-Pons

  6. SCHERZO 30th November 0001

    "Un disco sensacional"

  7. Justo Romero, DIVERDI 30th November 0001

    "Los músicos barceloneses y Jaime Martín firman un trabajo verdaderamente admirable. Impecable y cargado de sentido."

  8. SONOGRAMA 30th November 0001

    L’obra [Catalònia] és interpretada amb una pulcritud i riquesa excel·lents pels seus intèrprets, l’Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona I Nacional de Catalunya que s’entrega plenament amb sentit i sentiment. [...] Tres obres que sota l'equilibrada direcció de Jaime Martín ens apropen el genuí simfonisme d’Isaac Albéniz amb tot el seu caràcter i estil.

  9. DIVERDI - març 2011 22nd March 2017
    See review
  10. AUDIOCLASICA - junio 2011 22nd March 2017
    See review
  11. REVISTA MUSICAL CATALANA - octubre 2011 22nd March 2017
    See review
  12. SCHERZO - noviembre 2011 22nd March 2017
    See review
  13. DAS ORCHESTER - noviembre 2011 22nd March 2017
    See review
  14. CULTURA Y VIDA - julio 2011 22nd March 2017
    See review
  15. DIARIO DE SEVILLA - 29 de enero 2011 22nd March 2017
    See review
  16. CATCLASSICS - 2010 22nd March 2017
    See review
  17. VARIACIONES - marzo 2010 22nd March 2017
    See review
  18. SONOGRAMA - junio 2011 22nd March 2017
    See review