Price: 16.64 €
TR00338 pf solo
35 Minutes
The composer, musical theorist and pedagogue Josep Nonó was born on 31 December 1776 in Sant Joan de les Abadesses (Ripoll, province of Gerona). In 1805 he became a chamber musician at the court of King Charles IV, for whom he wrote some symphonies that won the monarch’s approval. Although his piano method may well be outdated from a pedagogical standpoint, we think that these six sonatinas can provide a useful introduction to the classical style in academic piano syllabuses and in the general study of this instrument, in line with similar works by Clementi, Kuhlau and Diabelli. It is with this in mind that in this revised edition - made with the help of Bernat Cabré and Arnau Farré - we have decided to retain the composer’s original fingerings, changing only the few erratas found, as well the distribution of notes in both staves. [from the prologue of the edition]