Complete works for voice and piano

Enrique Granados ( 1867 - 1916 )
Musicological reviser
Manuel García Morante
Jaume Porta Casanellas

Now that the first edition of Granados’ Songs has sold out, both its editor, Manuel Garcia Morante and its publisher Tritó and the Biblioteca de Catalunya (National LIbrary of Catalonia) have decided to take this opportunity to add some new pieces which have come to light in the last few years, and improve the volume as much as possible. For this reason, this second edition includes nine new songs; unfortunately, however, two of them are incomplete. We hope new sources will appear in the future which will provide us with a fuller picture of Granados as an art song composer. By the other side, both the editor and the publishers agreed to eliminate one of the pieces that formes part of a larger work. This work will hopefully be published in its entirety in the near future. And transposed versions have not been included, since they are available from the publisher in any key upon request.

Finally, we would like to acknowledge the fact that the first edition of these songs was made possible through the support of the Foundation created to commemorate the 700th anniversary of the University of Lleida, the city Granados was born in, as can be read in the prologue written by its president in 1996.

Tonadillas en estilo antiguo

La maja de Goya
El majo discreto
El tralalá y el punteado
El majo tímido
La maja dolorosa I (íOh, muerte cruel!)
La maja dolorosa II (íAy, majo de mi vida!)
La maja dolorosa III (De aquel majo amante)
El mirar de la maja
Amor y odio
Las currutacas modestas
El majo olvidado

La maja y el ruiseñor (de Goyescas)

Canciones amatorias
Mira que soy niña, amor, déjame
Mañanica era
Serranas de Cuenca
Gracia mía
Descúbrase el pensamiento de mi secreto cuidado
Lloraba la niña
No lloréis ojuelos

Cantar I (Día y noche Diego ronda)

Canción (Por agua fui a la fuente)

Canción del postillón

Por una mirada, un mundo

Yo no tengo quien me llore


Tonadilla del siglo XVIII (Si al Retiro me llevas)

Canto gitano

Elegia eterna

L’ocell profeta

Cançó d’amor

Lo rei i el joglar

La boira

Cançó de Gener I

Cançó del Gener II

Cançoneta (Dorm, nineta, dorm)


Escenes de l’exili

No m’enterreu al cementiri


Jo sóc el Temps (fragment)

A festa toquen ja (fragment)

Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample 3

Sample 4



