Spanish romantic violin concertos - Bretón & Monasterio

Tomás Bretón
Jesús de Monasterio
Spanish romantic violin <i>concertos</i> - Bretón & Monasterio
Price: 12.04 € 6.02 €
You save 6.02 €
TD00071 Ara Malikian, violí
Ara Malikian has an extensive discography that includes works by Vivaldi, Bach, Paganini, Ysaye, Schumann, Sarasate, Arbós, Piazzolla, Khachaturian, Armenian music and flamenco. The recordings included in this CD are part of the project that Ara Malikian has started, together with the Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León, to recover and record concerts for violin and orchestra by Spanish composers. Jesus Monasterio, violinist, composer and director, was one of the most important figures in the development of chamber music and symphonic Spanish. He came to the post of violinist in the Royal Chapel of Madrid where he composed his first works for violin. Tomas Breton was formed as a violinist at the Royal Conservatory. During that period he composed some works. He began his stage career as a scenical composer in 1872. Bretón is now best known for his lyrical side.


  1. Wtfisgoingon 21st August 2012

    Spanish, Romantic, Violin, Concertos...ingredients for wonderful music!

  2. Malcolm 5th November 2010

    This CD of forgotten Spanish violin concertos is a joy from beginning to end. The music is gorgeously romantic and the playing of Malikian superb. Trito are to be thanked and congratulated on this release which I would urge all lovers of romantic violin music to purchase without delay.

  3. Violin amateur 5th November 2010

    Thank you for publishing this CD!!!

  4. Malcolm 30th November 0001

    Muchas gracias for sending my CD order so quickly. I wanted to tell you that all the music was wonderful; brilliantly played and recorded. Thank you Trito for the recordings of the Garreta compositions. What a shame that in the UK this music, as well as the glorious symphonies of Breton, are unknown.


  1. Julian Haylock, The Strad 30th November 2010

    Ara Malikian's relatively lightweight, plaintive tone works wonders in the more reflective moments and lends a welcome clarity and silvery purity to the occasional high-wire, pyrotechnical outburst.

  2. Josep Pascual, Scherzo Noviembre 2010 5th November 2010

    ¡A por él! No se pierdan este disco. Las versiones tanto del solista como de la orquesta y director son un lujazo, de modo que no lo dejen pasar.(...) Un par de composiciones que podríamos escuchar una y otra vez sin cansarnos. Esperemos que esta maravilla de disco no pase inadvertida.

  3. Albert Ferrer, Audioclàssica 5th November 2010

    "Este disco despierta el fervor más sincero por la recuperación patrimonial, por la tarea musicológica que lo acompaña, por la calidad artística de los intérpretes y por el acierto comercial del sello editor."

  4. Andrés Ruíz-Tarazona, DIVERDI 30th November 0001

    "Con la técnica y facilidad que le caracteriza, Malikian resuelve todas las dificultades con una admirable soltura"

  5. Álvaro Marías, EL CULTURAL 30th November 0001

    "La brillantez de Malikian y el buen hacer de orquesta y director completan un atractivo registro"

  6. VARIACIONES 30th November 0001

    "Un disco muy especial"

  7. Álvaro Marías, EL CULTURAL 30th November 0001

    "La brillantez de Malikian y el buen hacer de la orquesta y director completan un atractivo registro"

  8. José Prieto Marugán, OPUS MÚSICA 30th November 0001

    "Malikian, músico versátil, capaz de integrarse en proyectos divulgativos o defender el primer atril de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid, ofrece una versión atractiva de estas obras, destacando su carácter romántico y nacionalista."

  9. MÚSICA Y EDUCACIÖN 30th November 0001

    Dos muestras poco conocidas de la actividad compositiva de dos artistas que, además de enriquecer el repertorio en un campo tan poco explotado como el de la música concertante, tienen el mérito añadido de poner en contacto a los dos mayores violinistas españoles del Romanticismo.

  10. Josep Pascual - Scherzo, noviembre 2010 22nd March 2017
    See review
  11. The Strad, december 2010 22nd March 2017
    See review
  12. AUDIOCLÁSICA -gener 2011 22nd March 2017
    See review
  13. DIVERDI - octubre 2011 22nd March 2017
    See review
  14. SCHERZO - noviembre 2011 22nd March 2017
    See review
  15. VARIACIONES - noviembre 2010 22nd March 2017
    See review
  16. OPUS MUSICA - noviembre 2010 22nd March 2017
    See review
  17. CATCLASSICS - 2010 22nd March 2017
    See review
  18. MUSICA Y EDUCACIÓN - dic. 2010 22nd March 2017
    See review
  19. ABC CULTURAL - 26 febrero 2011 22nd March 2017
    See review