Historia de Babar (spanish)

Francis Poulenc ( 1890 - 1963 )
Historia de Babar (spanish)
Price: 10.83 € 5.41 €
You save 5.41 €

Ensemble Orquestra de Cadaqués, Philippe Entremont, director
Tristán Ulloa, narrador


"Written by Jean de Brunhoff, the Story of Babar is one of the most famous tales for children. The adventures of the little elephant û his mother’s death, discovering the city, the old lady, his cousins Arturo and Celeste and his coronation as King of the Elephants û are part of our childhood memories. This CD presents a musical version by the French composer Francis Poulenc, for narrator and orchestra and revised by Andrew Matthews. The narrator is the popular Spanish actor Tristán Ulloa."


  1. SCHERZO 30th November 0001

    "Tristán Ulloa, una figura de moda en la escena española que los chavales conocen bien y que resulta un atractivo adicional a la estupenda versión que en lo musical firma Philippe Entremont al frente del Ensemble Orquesta de Cadaqués"

  2. 22nd March 2017
    See review
  3. SCHERZO - enero 2009 22nd March 2017
    See review