Price: 10.83 € 5.41 €
You save 5.41 €
You save 5.41 €
- Genre: Instrumental, Vocal, Chamber, Children's
- Period: 20th Century Music
- Formats: CD, SACD
Cuento con canciones basado en la obra teatral de Astrid Lindgren que posteriormente se adaptaría para televisión. La música es de Georg Riedel, la adaptación y la dirección de Lluís Cabal y la narración corre a cargo de Lidia Linuesa. Destaca la participación de la Hekáteros Big-Band.
(Words in Spanish)
A story with songs based on the play by Astrid Lindgren, Pippi Longstocking, which was later adapted for television. The music is by Georg Riedel, the adaptation and direction by Lluís Cabal and Lidia Linuesa provides the Spanish narrative. Special mention should also be made of the participation of the Hekáteros Big-Band.