Las flautas de cristal de Claude Laurent

Las flautas de cristal de Claude Laurent
Price: 25.00 €
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DL02142 2021

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The mere evocation of a glass flute conjures up a legendary imagery. However, Claude Laurent, a Parisian watchmaker born in 1774, achieved what seemed impossible: designing a concert flute made of glass and silver, immune to the alterations that wooden instruments undergo due to atmospheric variations; a flute of great beauty and exceptional technical craftsmanship and timbral qualities that captivated musicians, tsars, and emperors, including Napoleon Bonaparte.

The mere evocation of a glass flute conjures up a legendary imagery. However, Claude Laurent, a Parisian watchmaker born in 1774, achieved what seemed impossible: designing a concert flute made of glass and silver, immune to the alterations that wooden instruments undergo due to atmospheric variations; a flute of great beauty and exceptional technical craftsmanship and timbral qualities that captivated musicians, tsars, and emperors, including Napoleon Bonaparte.