Recitatiu i ària de Telemaco n’ell isola Calipso: Misera me!-Coraggio, oh Dio!

Fernando Sor ( 1778 - 1839 )
DT00964 S solo 0202 - 2000 - archi
6 Minutes
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This is the first edition of the final scene of the only known opera written by Sor (1778-1839), which he composed at the age of nineteen. It was premiered on 25 August 1797 at the Teatre de la Santa Creu in Barcelona. The work, titled Telemaco nell’isola di Calipso, was revived two centuries later in a concert version at the Torroella de Montgrí Music Festival on 25 July 1997, at the hands of Joan Lluís Moraleda and under the auspices of Ernest Lluch, with the soprano Yolanda Auyanet in the role of Calypso. It should be pointed out that no complete score of this opera has survived and the sum of the existing fragments will be the subject of a complete edition to be prepared by this same publishing house. It will include a study of this little-known part of the famous guitarist’s oeuvre.