Price: 12.48 €
- Instruments: Organ Solo
- Ensembles: Solo Instrument
- Genres: Classical Music
- Period: Baroque Music
- Formats: Score, Digital Score
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The present anthology will try to offer an overall view of organ music one was able to hear in Barcelona throughout the XVIII century. We have selected works by the organists of the principal churches of the city, covering styles from the baroque style up to the pre-classical, trying at the same time to show different musical genres and forms used during this period.
R. CREST: Partit de mà dreta
J. ELIES: Peça en forma d’ària
J. CLOSELLS: Tocata en Mi major
F. VILAR: 6 versets de Pange lingua / Entrada de clarins
J. VILA: Obra cromàtica / Sonata en Sol menor
F. MARINER: Obra de ple sobre la Salve
A. MESTRES: Obra de ple de 3r to