He was born in Barcelona and received his musical education at the Cathedral Church, first as a young singer and later as a composer under the guidance of Francesc Queralt and, perhaps, the organist/composer, Carles Baguer. From 1796-1815 he was employed as a Beneficiary at the cathedral in Girona. He must have known other well-known musicians of the time such as Antoni Guiu or the two brothers, Josep and Carles Quilmetas. On 11 April 1815 he worked with the adjoining community of priests at Sant Pere de les Puel·les (Barcelona). On 14 October he left Girona’s Cathedral for good and on 25 October he died suddenly while in Mataró. He was buried there.
Of this nine extant works, seven are for the Church. Other works may have been lost or destroyed.
Of this nine extant works, seven are for the Church. Other works may have been lost or destroyed.
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Bernat Bertran