...des de l’infinit...

Agustí Charles
...des de l’infinit...


...des de l’infinit...

Sample 1

Manresa - Barcelona ( 1960 )

Born in Manresa (Barcelona), Agustí Charles began to study piano at an early age at the Conservatories of Manresa, Barcelona and Badalona and at the Liceu.
He got his start in composition under Miquel Roger and Albert Sardà, Josep Soler, Franco Donatoni, Luigi Nono, Samuel Adler, Joan Guinjoan, Tomás Marco, Cristóbal Halffter, A. García Abril, J.R. Encinar and Antoni Ros Marbà.
He has won more than forty awards for his works, among them the most important national and international composition prizes, with Colors, Seqüències, Divert-i-ments, 2 Seqüències, Zweideutig, Seven Looks...
He has received commissions from various institutions and from the most renowned performers in Spain, and his music has been performed all over the world. He is also the author of a significant number of articles related to music analysis. From 1997 to 2000 he was presid...