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Cea, Leighton and the organs of Cuenca

The I Organ Course ‘Julián de la Orden’, organised through the Cuenca Religious Music Week, began on 3 September and lasts until 11 September. Students of eight nationalities are attending classes of baroque organ taught by Brett Leighton and Andrés Cea, with a manualiter repertoire from the XVI-XVIII centuries; and a seminar given by David Catalunya, with a keyboard repertoire from the XIV and XV centuries. As the opening act of the course, on 4 September a concert for two organs was given at the Cathedral of Cuenca by two of the teachers, the organists Andrés Cea and Brett Leighton, with a didactic character and specially addressed to a family audience, with the children being guided between oral explanations and musical examples in order to show them the technical possibilities and potential sound spectrum of these instruments. Andrés Cea was born in Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz). He studied in France and Switzerland, where Brett Leighton was a fellow student. He currently lives in Seville and teaches at the city’s conservatory. He has given concerts all over the world and recorded numerous albums, also performing with orchestras and other ensembles. Brett Leighton is Australian. He came to Europe for his organ studies and currently resides in Austria. He teaches in the city of Linz. He has performed numerous concerts on the most famous organs in Europe. Both organists had already played separately in the Cathedral of Cuenca and this was the first time they have given a concert together. Among the activities during this course, the students have visited the archive of the Cathedral of Cuenca to view the musical documents kept there and also the musical instruments in its possession, and had the opportunity to get to know the organ in the church at Villar de Cañas. And on September 8, it was the students on the course who showed their expertise in a concert at the Cathedral. On September 9, at 21.00 h. there will be a final recital in the Cathedral with the medieval music ensemble 'Canto Coronato' conducted by Professor David Catalunya. Source: Voces de Cuenca
The I Organ Course ‘Julián de la Orden’, organised through the Cuenca Religious Music Week, began on 3 September and lasts until 11 September. Students of eight nationalities are attending classes of baroque organ taught by Brett Leighton and Andrés Cea, with a manualiter repertoire from the XVI-XVIII centuries; and a seminar given by David Catalunya, with a keyboard repertoire from the XIV and XV centuries. As the opening act of the course, on 4 September a concert for two organs was given at the Cathedral of Cuenca by two of the teachers, the organists Andrés Cea and Brett Leighton, with a didactic character and specially addressed to a family audience, with the children being guided between oral explanations and musical examples in order to show them the technical possibilities and potential sound spectrum of these instruments. Andrés Cea was born in Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz). He studied in France and Switzerland, where Brett Leighton was a fellow student. He currently lives in Seville and teaches at the city’s conservatory. He has given concerts all over the world and recorded numerous albums, also performing with orchestras and other ensembles. Brett Leighton is Australian. He came to Europe for his organ studies and currently resides in Austria. He teaches in the city of Linz. He has performed numerous concerts on the most famous organs in Europe. Both organists had already played separately in the Cathedral of Cuenca and this was the first time they have given a concert together. Among the activities during this course, the students have visited the archive of the Cathedral of Cuenca to view the musical documents kept there and also the musical instruments in its possession, and had the opportunity to get to know the organ in the church at Villar de Cañas. And on September 8, it was the students on the course who showed their expertise in a concert at the Cathedral. On September 9, at 21.00 h. there will be a final recital in the Cathedral with the medieval music ensemble 'Canto Coronato' conducted by Professor David Catalunya.