Hèctor Parra, winner of the Ernst von Siemens Composer's Prize

As we already announced in our blog on 14 February of this year, the Catalan Hèctor Parra will receive one of Ernst von Siemens Foundation Prizes for Music Composition on 24 May 2011.
The award is worth 40,000 euros and includes the commission of a work for the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation. Parra and co-winners, Steven Daverson and Hans Thomalla, will be given their awards during a musical celebration at the Cuvilliés Theatre in Munich, when the commissioned works written by these young composers will be premiered.
The board of trustees of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation considers Parra one of the most promising young composers: “What transpires in the music of Hector Parra is exactly what defines art: it allows us to indulge ourselves in the voluptuousness of the passing of present time.”
For Parra, this award “represents an invitation from the jury for me to be bolder in my creative work. Sometimes, you put on the brakes, you become less adventurous, because the music business, the system of commissions and concerts, saps your energy and can even make you lose your balance. This prize from the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation will give me renewed energy. It's like a special vitamin to boost my creativity.”
Read more at docenotas.com.