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Pau Marsal i Boguñà (1761 - 1839)

This year, 2011, marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of Pau Marsal i Boguñà (Terrassa, 1761 – 1839), Catalan organist, composer and cellist whose life bridged the 18th and 19th centuries. He trained at the Montserrat choir school with Narcís Casanoves and at the age of seventeen he took up the posts of organist and chapel master at the church of the Sant Esperit in Terrassa. In addition, he completed ecclesiastical studies and was ordained a priest. Later, he held the posts of chapel master in Ibiza and organist at the Cathedral of Palencia and the Palau de la Comtessa in Barcelona. He composed religious music but specialised, above all, in piano and chamber works, among which one of the few string quartets by a Catalan composer from this period deserves special mention. Eight of his religious compositions are held in the archive at the Cathedral of Terrassa. Tritó has published his Seven Sonatas, basing the edition on the manuscript M921/3, held at the Biblioteca de Catalunya under the title “Quadern de Sonates de D. Pablo Marsal” (Book of sonatas by D.Pablo Marsal. See the Seven Sonatas by Pau Marsal >